

The 6 R's of Sustainability offer practical solutions to living a sustainable and waste free lifestyle.


The First and most important R is Rethink which can be applied to society at large. It requires us to consider the way that our business and economy operates, and to ask ourselves if they are compatible with sustainability or not.


Refuse is the second R, and the next step after you stop and rethink. Refuse simply asks us to stop accepting the things that are harming our environment. To stop purchasing and consuming things that we do not need.


Reduce comes from the 3 environmental R's, and is the first in the trio (reduce, reuse, recycle). It’s the concept of reducing the amount of stuff that we use, buy and already have. It encompasses the concept of consuming less.


Reuse means that instead of throwing away an item, you should think about the ways you can use it again. It could be that you repair the item and continue to use it in the same way, or maybe you can come up with a completely different use for it.


In line with Reuse, Repair asks us to fix broken things, so that we stop using natural resources to make new items. If something you own breaks, try to fix it. Or if you can’t fix it yourself, find someone or hire someone who can.


Recycling isn't a new concept, but depending on where you live, this might be easier for some than others. But even if your local area doesn’t collect your recyclables that doesn’t mean you can’t do your part for the environment.

The team at offgrid6r.com are always a pleasure to work with.”

Jane Miller


We are Eco-domain. We sell domain names with the option of website, email and hosting support.

Because when a visitor finds your domain, you’re a stranger to them. But with a ready made simple website, They can get to know you in order to want to read your blog posts, subscribe to your email newsletter, or buy what you’re selling.


we’re here to answer any questions.

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